The efficient use of energy, sometimes called energy efficiency and energy efficiency, is the goal to reduce the amount of energy required to provide products and services.
The energy efficiency and energy savings can be defined as the level of energy consumption to provide this service, and belong generally to the improvement of this relationship.
Improving energy efficiency involves improving the technical energy performance of the delivery mechanism of various types of energy, but it can also include the improvement of the management or of the organisation of the energy consumption.
Energy is inextricably related with the socio-economic development, it is not difficult to imagine that this trend may be a means to achieve political objectives outside the energy sector. Some of the results may be indirect, or be the result of an action that would be difficult to assign to this notion.

However, we can consider that the energy efficiency measures and energy saving have an impact on different areas of the economy, often in different areas at once, and a direct impact in one area of the economy can have an impact on the other.
Traditionally, the emphasis in this area, is given to the use of the smallest amount of energy for the same energy services. However, this can also lead to an increase in the volume of services for the same amount of energy consumption.
Therefore, the improvement of energy efficiency can be achieved in the case where there is less consumption of energy to provide the same level of services, the same energy used for the highest level of service. The activities of the energy efficiency and energy savings can be mainly focused on:
- rational consumption of energy;
- the energy-saving mode.
The energy efficiency and energy saving is an important aspect and focus on activities such as the reduction of losses in electricity production or an increase in the industrial activity. Important the two forms.
The understanding of the waveform of the effect, which may be the result of an improvement of the energy efficiency and energy savings in the economy as a whole may be useful in the development of a policy.
Here discussed the various benefits of the efficient use of energy-individual/sectoral/national/international typology. The many benefits of energy efficiency and energy savings: the improvement can give a significant many benefits across a wide range of sectors.
A broader list of many benefits that can be achieved through these measures:
The advantages in the improvement of the energy efficiency and energy savings
Health and well-being
Particularly convincing evidence for the positive impact of energy efficiency and energy savings in the housing sector on the health of the population and the social consequences that flow from it. A wide range of diseases, including respiratory diseases and asthma in children, are closely linked with the cold temperatures, humidity and mould in dwellings.
Improvement of the energy efficiency and energy savings in the buildings sector, in particular, can bring a wide range of benefits for the health of the inhabitants of apartment houses, office employees and many other groups, as well as the general population. The effects on the health of equally due to inefficient housing and appliances.
The fight against poverty and the availability of energy
In conditions of high energy prices and financial constraints, the poor often cannot afford the services for the maintenance of health, the conditions of life does not have to heat up the house, suffer from poor indoor air quality, and/or refuse of other articles of first necessity, such as the products of power: the phenomenon, sometimes known as the heat or the food. This situation is generally described as fuel poverty.” The energy efficiency and energy savings can solve this problem by taking measures at the household level to reduce energy costs through insulation and design, for the effective delivery of devices, equipment for the heating of space and water heating, and lighting, as well as the learning of the efficient use of energy among the inhabitants.
Access to energy services is essential to lift people out of poverty by providing raw materials for the socio-economic development. Energy efficiency measures undertaken by energy suppliers, may identify additional resources through the reduction of technical losses in the systems of production and distribution of energy.
Industrial productivity and competitiveness
There are many improvements in industrial productivity, which can provide the energy efficiency of production and energy savings. This is in particular the increase in profits, more safety and working conditions, consistency and improvement of quality and production, the reduction of capital expenditure and the operating costs and the reduction of the consumption of ferrous scrap and energy. The benefits can be obtained with the sectors of the industry, at the global level, through improved competitiveness, and can spread to all days of the working conditions, safety and job satisfaction of employees.
The benefits for energy suppliers and infrastructure
jpg" class="imgblock right center_mob">At first glance, it may seem that energy efficiency and energy savings are contrary to the commercial interests of energy providers. However, studies show that energy suppliers receive many benefits from the point of view of providing better energy services to customers, to reduce operating costs and improve profits.
Up to 10% of all the benefits arising from efficiency measures, probably, will be paid directly to energy providers, which explains why many utilities have already taken ambitious measures of demand management, which stimulate in many countries, the legal obligations in this area.
The increase in the value of assets
There is some evidence that investors are willing to pay the rent and pay the premiums from the sale of the real estate with the best energy and performance.
For example, energy is one of the highest operating cost in most offices, therefore, the net value of the future economy of energy can be added to the resale value. Studies show that the market increasingly reflects this reasoning.
The existing data analysis show that green buildings have increased resale value and the rental rate, and offer a greater variety of benefits, even apart from the value of the assets: they have higher rates of employment, high level of comfort, lower operating costs and lower capitalization rates higher to increase performance.
The creation of jobs
Investments in energy efficiency programs and energy savings, have the considerable potential of creation of jobs with execution time. Net improvement in the indicators of the employment can explain the programs to increase as a direct result of the creation of jobs and indirectly redundant for consumer spending in addition to other benefits for the public budgets, such as the reduction of unemployment benefits. Direct jobs created during the implementation of measures to improve the energy efficiency and energy savings are the easiest to measure, and their will probably be a lot. Indirect places of work may also be generated during the production of raw materials, but these jobs can be kept for the duration of a specific program.
The reduction in public spending related to energy is the perspective of the public sector as an economic entity. The improvement of the energy efficiency and energy savings will contribute to the reduction of the load on the national budgets and the improvement of the budget balance.
Energy security
Energy efficiency plays a role in the reduction of the dependency of the country of import to meet their needs and, therefore, promotes the formation of a variety of energy balance. The consequences that permeate the energy security, which is structurally dependent on the energy sector in the country.
The macroeconomic effects of
The improvement of the energy efficiency and energy savings can lead to improvements in the macroeconomic consequences, such as the increase in GDP, the trade balance, the restructuring of the economy, employment and national competitiveness. They can have a significant impact on the budget of the nation. The investments in this direction suggest a capital transfer energy the less energy-intensive activities.
This may have important consequences for the economics and management of energy in general, if the translation requires an adjustment of the economy is the most time-consuming activity.
The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
The improvement of the energy efficiency and energy savings may lead to a reduction of the energy consumption of fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, the measures will contribute to 44% reduction in carbon emissions by 2035, in order to have a chance to reach the international goals related to climate change.
Compared to other measures to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, improving energy efficiency is generally more cost effective and can be implemented quickly. The reduction of emissions is already recognized as one of the main results of the energy efficiency measures and is often measured as a itself in the evaluation of existing programs.
The decline in energy prices

Lower energy prices are determined by many factors such as the level of energy supply, energy demand and market conditions. All things being equal, if the demand for services decline, energy prices are expected to fall, and the increase of energy efficiency and energy savings will reduce the energy demand.
The management of natural resources
Another advantage of the reduction of the energy demand is to reduce the pressure on natural resources.
Given the fact that by 2035, the conventional production of crude oil will decrease the energy efficiency and energy savings will be increasingly important in the mitigation of the pressure on limited resources. The objectives in terms of achievements of development to sustainable development are international of the task, and the access to modern energy services is essential to ensure the necessities of life, as well as the conditions for socio-economic development.