Households, the sector of the economy is one of the largest consumers of fuel, heat and electricity. Modern daily life is unthinkable without energy services. Terms of comfort of life of people benefit from lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, electrical appliances. Household communication, information and entertainment services are carried out with the help of telephones, televisions, computers, etc, One who has learned to save electricity, water, heat, gas in his apartment, a better understanding of the necessity of energy savings in the residential and working

Thanks to its geographical position, Belarus is one of the country relatively cold. The duration of the heating period is about 200 days, which determines a significant part of the energy consumption for heating. At the level of households consumed almost 40% of the total amount of energy resources, devoted to the republic. The Consumption of services of housing and utilities sector of the thermal energy used for heating (60-70%) and hot water supply, including(30-40%).
Unfortunately, the efficiency of the consumption of domestic energy in our republic is very low. For heating and hot water the apartment average family of 3-4 people each year to the COGENERATION or burned in boilers of more than 3 here. In addition, for the year of this family consumes 1200-1800 kwh of electricity. These values are in average 2 times higher than in industrialized countries, european countries of comparable climate. When this energy of comfort in our homes is much below: not many appliances are modern, in local often supported insufficient at high temperature, leaves something to be desired, the quality of the air. And the household energy comfort in a large part determines the quality of life of the population, the health status of individuals, the availability of free time.
The mapping of national and foreign flags indicates the presence of a large energy-saving potential at the household level, in particular the energy of the heat and the need for an implementation both for the economy of IRON, and to improve the quality of life of people. To meet these challenges, according to the State program "Energy-saving" is provided for a package of measures for long-term and short-term activities.
The conditions required for the success of their solutions are the following:
- psychological mood and the desire of the population to save energy;
- the knowledge of energy saving methods and the ability to use them in daily life;
- wise the attitude of the people to the use of energy comfort at the subconscious level, of the discipline of the protection of the energy consumption.
If the first two conditions may be provided in a relatively short period of time due to economic and organizational joint promotion, information on the educational measures, then the implementation of the last of the conditions requires a long period of time, as it involves the formation of man from childhood, some cultures, behaviours and habits, those resulting from concern about the future of energy and the environmental health of our planet. This is why, in the republic and organized the improvement of the system to several floors of the education in the field of energy, it's constantly advertising information to work.
To a large extent of energy saving potential in the housing and the domestic sector can be achieved in a short time by the tenants to the use of simple, inexpensive and effective. It is important to understand energy savings is not as a refusal of comfort, but, on the contrary, a means of ensuring the conditions of life for the individual and the society as a whole, while limiting the amount of primary energy.
The basic principles of the development of a programme of reduction of energy consumption in everyday life
With what it is necessary to begin the work of reducing the consumption of energy? In the first place, it is necessary to determine the volumes of consumption of different types of resources and amounts of payment, it is a kind of the energy audit. This will help the counters (if there are any) and bills of energy consumption, as well as simple calculations and measurement. It is desirable to determine the average or the values of consumption of the resource for different periods of time (week, month, year). It is a permanent condition and systmatique works of economy of energy. The evaluation of the energy-saving potential, you need to compare the values obtained with standards and european rates.
This will help you to answer the first question, – the economy of a resource is a priority? A response to institute – and this is taken into account, because it will bring You direct benefits. Naturally, to undertake costly conservation of energy, which may not bring in direct and immediate savings you need after a detailed analysis of all the benefits of their implementation. It is just a account, we only have the electrical energy, the payment of other energy resources is equally divided between the large number of domestic consumers. However, it is important to know that the savings of any energy source that reduces its overall energy consumption and general expenses and Your budget in particular. In addition, the situation changes little by little: sooner or later, all energy resources will be taken into account, and the one who is before learning how to save, it will be much easier. If we take into account all types of energy, it is necessary to compare the costs of the activities of energy saving and benefit of their share, and then categorize them. From all this derive the objectives and the programme of Your activities on the energy savings, as determined by the expected return.
We will examine the activities on the economy of all the species that are consumed in the everyday life of the energy.
The savings of thermal energy.
At the present time, heat meters widely used for several reasons: the high cost, the failure of the study and the accuracy of the measurement, etc, However, this issue could be addressed from another perspective: how to keep in an apartment very comfortable temperature in the case of poor heating? In the first place, it is necessary to prepare the heating system.
The coil should be rinsed inside and periodically clean the dust out. When the internal workings of the surface is covered with rust and scum; sometimes, the thickness of deposits reached such a magnitude, which is a significant obstacle leads to the water, not to mention the heat transfer. To ensure a circulation of the air should not clutter the furnishings of the space near the heating devices. It is strictly forbidden to close them decorated plates, panels and even curtains, so that, in addition to the sharp decrease of the heat that causes an increase of the heat loss. In order to reduce the loss of heat through the wall located in the heating device, and to improve the conditions of the circulation of the air, it is recommended to increase the distance between the device and the wall. Also we recommend that you install the convectors reflective screen and the layer of thermal insulation. To limit the migration of heated air to the inner surface of the glass of the window, you need to install a large podokonnoj to a board. The colouring of radiators, oil-reduced intake of 8% to 13%, it is recommended to use zinc white.
Tied with the problem of lack of heating exists and is a problem paratope. Of paratope are generally suffering from riparian sources of heating in the houses. The reason paratope – unbalanced the heating system. That is why is necessary to output must be set to itself. To do this, see if You have a heating plumbing (1) of the bypass (4). Perhaps, the manufacturers simply "forgot" to install them. Then, the installation of bypass (4), and temperature (2), or even a simple ball valve will allow you to adjust the volume of the fluid through the heating device (3) and adjust the room temperature.
The problem of the cold of the case is much more difficult. The cause of the low temperature in our homes is not the poor quality of the heat, lots of heat. The specific consumption of heat energy per square meter of housing in our republic 2-4 times (depending on the type of building) is higher than in the european countries of comparable climate. This is a reminder of what is produced, and even served in the house a lot of heat, but it is lost. The loss of heat in buildings according to Beltei on average, distributed as follows:
- flashdance (-36%;
- ventilation – 28%;
- walls – 26%;
- floors, sub – ground of 10%.
Since the main loss of heat occur on the window, then isolate it (and want to change) it is necessary first of all that they. The most effective way is the installation of double glazing. Now, offers a variety of models, which differ by their ability to retain heat, the duration of life, ecological characteristics and therefore price. Ordinary double-glazed windows contain between the glass drained the air and are different from the windows did not increase the integrity, ease of cleaning and the aesthetic of the view. Are available vacuum, double-glazed and double-glazed windows, filled with an inert gas. They have a high thermal resistance. The lenses can be covered with low-e termootrazhayuschim film, which prevents the care of the heat in the form of radiation and reduces the heat loss through the windows at 30-35%. Double glazing, manufactured with the most advanced technologies have a thermal resistance as close to the exterior walls. Often, double-glazed windows are installed in place of standard glazing frames. You get a triple-glazing, which allows even more to reduce the loss of heat.
If the installation of double glazed windows is not, then you need to take care to reduce heat loss through existing windows. First of all, the glass must be washed thoroughly, so to save on lighting. Secondly, you have to eliminate all the cracks and leaks. You can glue the paper, but this should be done in calm weather. To eliminate cracks between the frame and the concrete of the box, you can use the mounting foam. The glass must be intact. Cheap and very effective, the solution is to groove the inside of the surface of the binding grooves and installation of a glass (good condition of the binding), or a film of a transparent polymer. It turns out to be a triple-glazing and the heat loss through the windows are down 20% to 30%. To decrease the humidity of the air between the covers by the layers it is recommended to use adsorbents. Dry air has less thermal conductivity, and possibly reduce the intensity of fog and freeze panes. In the winter, it is desirable to hang the curtains, not close to the heating battery. The glazing of balconies and loggias can reduce the heat loss to 10 or 13 %. To reduce the heat loss through the doors, you must install the double doors with the ghosting seal, to organize drums.
Then, you need to take care of the ventilation, which often creates in the winter, the excess of traction. In the kitchen of the orifice, it is possible to cover in part, and in the room to close, because it will help to moisturize needless to air-dry in the winter, the air in the heated rooms is low humidity, which affects negative health), and create a feeling of warmth. Then, it is recommended to insulate the external walls, a corner bathroom, and the walls on the stairwells.
Energy savings
To save energy when you use the hob.
First of all, you need to have an alternative to using hot plates: electroscience, elektrokofemolke, oven, MICRO-waves, which have a great EFFECTIVENESS.
Secondly, the cooker must be faulty. Propavshaya, with chipped and oedema, the heating elements much worse perform their function, if, of course, perform.
Thirdly, you must have kitchen utensils. Each time, it is necessary to choose the size of the dishes, corresponding to the situation. All kitchen utensils must be with the lids. The fact that, without the lid, it takes two times more energy and no, no coverage at all or it is not completely waterproof. The bottom of the dish to the hob must be smooth and well go on the heating element. When cooking or boiling the water is advised to switch off the lights before the final preparation or boiling water, it will save you up to 20% of the electricity due to the thermal inertia white-hot baking sheets. When cooking multiple dishes, you can save from 10 to 30% of the electricity, if the use has not yet the stove for preheating the water used in the dishes cooked, if you use pre-rested water at room temperature, not cold from the tap.
The energy saving through the use of panels of all types. Products for the heat treatment which requires a lot of time, it is better to cook in pressure cookers. At the beginning of cooking, you need to establish the full power of the stoves, and after boiling the water to reduce it to a minimum, so that the temperature of boiling of water does not depend on the power input flow rate of water is 100°C And the speed of preparation of the product depend on the temperature. Therefore, the excess heat is dedicated solely to the evaporation of water in the room (humidity) and led to an excess expenditure of energy (electricity or gas), without any impact on the cooking time.